Poker is a family of card games. Players compete to make the best hand by betting over which one they believe is the strongest. The ranking of hands in poker is very similar to rankings in other games. The object of the game is to win a wager. There are many variations of the game, including multi-player versions. The best hand in poker is determined by the game’s rules. The winner of the game is called the “poker king”.
A player must bet before playing. He must call or raise the previous bettor’s bet. A player can’t raise his own bet. The first player to make a bet is called the “bet” or “raise.” A player can also stay in without betting if he has no chips. Each round of betting begins with the “buy-in” bet, with each person placing one or more chips into the pot.
The first betting phase begins after all players have seen their cards. If a player wins the bet, he’s the “active player”. He must place the same number of chips as the previous player, known as the “blind.” This is the first bet. There are other betting intervals in poker, but the first one is the most important. While the bets must be equal to the value of the cards, they must still have a positive expected value.